Author Topic: Does the Alcatel OT-707 run Windows Mobile ?  (Read 941 times)

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Does the Alcatel OT-707 run Windows Mobile ?
« on: March 27, 2009, 09:10:09 AM »
The Alcatel OT-707 may initially appear as the ultimate progression of touch screen phones into the low end, featuring, according to its spec sheet only 10 MB storage, 2.3 inch screen and only GPRS data, but the screen shot appears to show another story.

Hiding in plain sight is the menu bar for Spb Mobile Shell, strongly suggesting this is a Windows Mobile phone.

According to TamsPPC, who noticed this odd feature, Spb knows nothing their software being on the device, and could not explain what their smartphone software was doing on a feature phone.

In case the OT-707 turns out to be a ream Windows Mobile device, it does have some redeeming features.  Firstly, that conspicuous blank area at the bottom appears in fact to be touch sensitive, allowing possibly Pre-like interaction with the phone.  Secondly the device is incredibly cheap, being close to 100 Euro unlocked.

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